Sonny Gamponia is leading a Kaunoa Senior Center class at the Refuge from 9:00am to 12:30 p.m. titled “How to read the aina – reading time, culture and human influence on the aina”. If you are interested in joining Sonny’s class please RSVP to Sonny @ and bring a lunch and dress for walking and hot, sunny weather conditions. He is inviting all Kealia Pond Volunteers.
Please also join FWS staff and other volunteers from 12:30 pm- 1:30 pm in the Visitor Center multi-purpose room for an educational training opportunity: “Learn about avian botulism and refuge safety”. Bret Wolfe, Acting Refuge Manager, will lead a presentation about the ins and outs of botulism and how we can help minimize an outbreak on the Refuge. We hope to see everyone there! Please RSVP with Courtney Brown @ if you plan to attend.